Monday, 22 February 2010

Few pics from the LT social brand day

It's fair to say, people enjoyed the day more than they did having their pictures taken! 

Thanks to all for taking part, for your efforts and for sticking with it.

Posted via email from Thoughts from Chris Buckley

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Best bits of Figaro Digital

Last week, I spoke at the Figaro Digital seminar on social media. It's always great to hear what others have to say, so here are a few of the best bits for me.

For those who still need a little convincing, we saw some compelling numbers around the adoption of social media by marketers. The rapid consideration and inclusion of social spaces in communication planning and branding is impressive. Also interesting was the number of people who feel training is a key area. It's nice to know brands recognise the importance of understanding what makes appropriate social behaviour in social media, rather than treating it like any other channel.

Tony Effik, Chair of the social media council at the IAB, captured a very simple truth that can be lost in all the noise around social media; people are still people. Some things change, other don't. In social media, we have found another form to express our basic social needs. 

The Dunbar number, the magic 150, was highlighted as a phenomenon that continues to play out in social relationships. 

Whilst we have the capability to reach many, do we have the capacity to maintain intimate and meaningful relationships with such large numbers? Anyone who has experimented with technology to swell followers and friends alike is probably at risk of pushing messages, rather than building relationships.

Nick Jones, Director of Interactive Services at the COI gave an interesting insight into how his clients perceive social media. As the Government's centre of excellence for marketing and communications, how this organisation approaches the opportunities presented by social media, and how it mitigates the risks, is very useful guidance for us all. 

The quote from William Perrin (Policing 2.0 conference, National Policing Improvement agency) perhaps reminds us all of how our fears around social media need to be put into context?

"If you can let police walk the streets with guns, you can manage the risks of letting them use Facebook".

Posted via email from chrisbuckleyuk's posterous

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Figaro Digital - disruption briefing

Yesterday I spoke at Figaro Digital's social media seminar at the Hospital Club.

Was a cracking event and thanks to Neil and the team for their hospitality. Here is what I shared...  

Posted via email from chrisbuckleyuk's posterous

Wednesday, 10 February 2010


A curiously fascinating and immersive site. Simple with beautiful content. All this just to sell some clothes.

Posted via web from chrisbuckleyuk's posterous

Count-down to Figaro Digital social media seminar

Looking forward to talking at the Figaro Digital seminar at the Hospital Club on the 10th Feb. My chosen subject? Social media disruption and its impact on the conventional marketing model. 

We're all one click away from the perfect job, the ideal product, a damning video diary or the five star review. But for those looking to engage this hyper-connected audience, it’s not about blindly rolling out the latest tactics on the latest platform. 

Brands need to develop their social brand strategy. The challenge is to navigate this changing landscape and create socialised brands that are valued by their communities, and deliver value back to their organisations. Put in simpler terms - create win-win relationships.

Posted via email from chrisbuckleyuk's posterous


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