Wednesday, 16 April 2008


The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) has raised concerns about the impact of Google's trademark policy change. The organisation warns that the move could cost advertisers considerable sums to protect their brands online.

The warning follows last week's unexpected news from Google that it will lift the ban on advertisers bidding on trademark protected keywords. The change will take effect from 5 May.

IPA Search and IPA Digital, two divisions of the advertising trade body, held emergency talks to share their concern about the implications. The discussions have led to IPA Digital recommending that clients meet their agencies to assess the potential impact on their search and advertising strategies.

IPA Digital will also seek a delay in the introduction of the changes and states that the short notice represents a "counter-productive move by a media owner".

The body also says it will seek a better understanding of Google's motivation behind the move and will express its dissatisfaction that Google failed to mention the change during meetings about its trademark policies during late 2007.

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